Thursday, April 9, 2015

Catching up

So here are a bunch of finished things that I never blogged.  Baby quilts (gifts!), a Christmas quilt, and a couple of Julia cardigans.  More on those later, this pattern is GREAT!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Greenstyle Laurel Sewalong

 Today I worked on my Greenstyle Laurel for the Sewalong being hosted in the Greenstyle Facebook group.  So fun!

The fabric is a double wool jersey/lycra blend.  It is heavy and soft, and should be amazing for wintertime.  I had to do some tricky cutting, with careful planning, but I was able to get a elbow sleeve, long torso, flat back, long length version (TONS of options in this pattern) out of a mere two yards.  More tomorrow...

Sunday, September 21, 2014

The other day I sewed myself a hoodie.  I love it so.  The pattern is Seamster's Avocado Hoodie.  I made the single pocket version, with an overlapping hood.  The main fabric is a monaluna jersey.  I briefly considered a muslin out of the yards and yards of super cheap jersey sitting in my closet, but decided to go straight for the good stuff.  Sewing time is precious and not to be wasted on cheap knits that I'll never wear out of the house.  

Plus, I'm impatient.

The pattern is lovely.  It has cute icons in the corners that help you piece together the pages after printing at home.  I love that!  It was the fastest assembly of a pattern EVER.  Instructions are clear and the construction makes good sense. 

One of my favorite features of this hoodie is the thumb hole.  I goofed and put one on crooked, so the cuff twisted a lot.  I wasn't going to fix it; I hate picking serger seams.  But after an hour of wear, I decided I couldn't deal with it, and picked it out, reattached it in the right spot, and felt happier.  

I had my daughter take a few pictures, but it turns out that from her angle, I look really fat.  Going with the classic messy bedroom mirror selfie here. 

I wore this to a soccer game, and a friend who didn't know I sew clothing complimented me on it.  Winning!